Workshops for women who write or want to

WomenWriting inspires women to come together within circles of women to write and share our lives. Through WomenWriting I manifest my dream of bringing women together to honour our truths, share our stories and deepen connections with our authentic selves. I teach memoir and journal writing workshops and classes and facilitate ongoing women’s writing circles on Salt Spring Island, in Victoria, British Columbia and in the Pacific Northwest. I also occasionally have individual consultations with women. See the Workshop & Circles page for information about current offerings, or contact me to learn about upcoming workshops, events and readings.

My main intention is to create an environment, a sacred space, for women to feel safe, supported and nourished, because we can only be open, honest and vulnerable with ourselves when we feel safe and trusting. We draw from the “four practices” as I sensitively guide women into personal writing, deep listening, sharing and witnessing.

The intimacy that is generated within these circles is profound and moving. This inspires ever-deepening connections and a sense of community through sharing our words, our hearts and our lives.

I am honoured to be part of these sacred, sensitive, trusting, courageous, wise and wondrous circles of women. I find that this magical experience occurs as women are drawn to these circles. I welcome you to join these circles of WomenWriting

~ Simply bring your self, a journal and the desire to write. ~
